Monday, January 2, 2012

Jami's Fast-Results SOULutions

I love Sharing Transformations about Feng Shui, Color Therapy, Chakra Balancing, Essential Oils & Aromatherapy, and Youthful Skin  as well as discussing Universal Spiritual Philosophy. 

Following these pursuits starting with my first Tao Te Ching in the 70's (yikes!) and have taught or wrote about them a gazillion times...still, I am always learning something new!


I am passionate about questing for the "source and truth in everything"
and people say that I know a lot of great stuff to get life-transforming results
(and I believe them - hahaha!).

Seriously, I experience consistent results. I love when friends apply my time-tested solutions and they are so excited that they share their life-transforming results with me!  Yeah again!

Bottom line, sometimes, I forget to share the basics because they are second nature....but truly, I LOVE relearning the basics because they always deepen knowledge in all of us.

So don't be shy, please remind me! Ask! ;-)
I love the circle of growth in sharing what I love!

So, you what do you want to know?

If you think your question serves others too, Bring It! ;-)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With first question of lauching this service, I was inspired to edit this post.
You'll be able to see why I was inspired to add this comment with my first answer.

You may not always like the answer,
but you'll have no doubt, that
I'm giving you honest truth!

Ask me thru Facebook or my Blog and if I know the answer, it will be a delight to share with you and be of service to others too.

From my heart to yours...

my divine spirit honors
the divine spirit within you

From now on...all musings get posted on BLOG first so they can be archived so people can indefinitely benefit (instead of going down the black hole of a Face book or Twitter newsfeed, but they’ll get shared there too!

Talk to you soon...whatcha got?

1 comment:

  1. I've been in a healing trend regarding relationships for a couple of years and now feel I am ready to move forward and open myself up to a new relationship. I've done all the feng shui placements in the appropriate corners, but there is a lingering fear I'll not succeed. Do you have any tips on how to let go of the past?
